HONIARA City Council (HCC) Environmental Health will carry out a thorough two-week inspection for expired goods in every shop from King George VI (KGVI) to White River, Savo market.

Honiara City Council Environmental Health Coordinator Ella Rizwold said it is now time for all the shop owners to take out their expired goods before the HCC Environmental Health inspection team catches up with them.

“My team will not tolerate such a way of doing business anymore but will do no mercy to any shops that sell expired goods,” Mrs. Ella Rizwold explained.

Mrs. Ella Rizwold said that her team will be inspecting buildings as well as making sure the building owners painted all their buildings and did minor repairs to security lights, and proper pavements.

She explained public needs to cooperate with the Honiara City Council to beautify the city and as well as ensuring peace, unity, and harmony takes its course.

Again, this is the last warning for all shops in the city if you are caught red-handedly, you will be charged accordingly says the Honiara City Council Environmental Health Coordinator Mrs. Rizwold.


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