Your Excellency, The Governor General of Solomon Islands, Sir David Vunagi & Lady Vunagi
Prime Minister Hon. Manasseh Damukana Sogavare & Madam Sogavare
Deputy Prime Minister Manasseh Maelanga
Ministers of the Crown (Who are here with us this morning)
Leader of Opposition and Members
Leader of Independent Group and Members
Diplomatic and Development Partners
Permanent Secretaries and staff of Government Ministries
Deputy Mayor, Councilors and staff of Honiara City Council
Heads of Churches and Faith-based Organizations
Traditional and community leaders
Chairman, Executive Director, Board and staff of National Hosting Authority (NHA)
Chairman, Members and staff of Games Organizing Committee
Supporting Partners & Stakeholders
Representatives of schools and communities in Honiara
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning,
I am greatly honored and pleased to stand here on behalf of the Honiara City Council (HCC) to welcome you all as we embark on this inaugural launching ceremony today on the theme; ‘a Safe and Beautiful Honiara for the Games and Beyond’.
Today marks a very important history for Solomon Islands as we prepare ahead for the first ever hosting of the Pacific Games in November this year, 2023.
Solomon Islands won the bid to host the Pacific Games 2023 back in 2016 (???) during the Pacific Games Council meeting in Port Vila, Vanuatu. That was 6 years ago.
The Honiara City Council (HCC) was a member of the Solomon Islands Bid Team. This was clearly because Honiara is the only City in Solomon Islands so would be the Host City.
Since winning the Bid, I would honestly say here, Solomon Islands, including Honiara City slumbered and did very little until just last year.
Last year we awoke from our slumber and realized that the Games are just around the corner so the national government and HCC started working.
HCC established its Ad Hoc Committee to lead in preparing Honiara as Host City in November 2021. Since then, the Ad Hoc Committee has prepared work plan and budget which are now starting to implement.
At this juncture, I wish to thank my Deputy Mayor, Executive Members, all Councilors, City Clerk and all HCC staff for playing active roles and working tirelessly to plan and implement activities for cleaning and beautifying Honiara City, including making Honiara City a safe place for the Games.

I know the National Government and its partners/stakeholders have been working ceaselessly preparing and organizing towards the Pacific Games, to provide a safe and secure environment, and as well supporting the Government to successfully host Pacific Games (PG2023) and to beautify the city environment leaving a long-term legacy.
Therefore, this is also linked to the aspirations in the DCGA (Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement) Policy Statements and its National Development Strategy (NDS).
However, it is not an easy task, but through our unity and strive, we can make Honiara City clean, beautiful and safe for the biggest sporting event in the Pacific – the Pacific Games 2023.
Honiara City is our city and we as sons and daughters of Solomon Islands, we have to take ownership over our city and as well as preparing our city for the Pacific Games (PGs). We live in this City or visit this City. Let us love and own this City thus keep it clean, beautiful and safe.
I appeal to all Honiara residents to work closely with the Honiara City Council (HCC) in preparing the city safe and clean for the games.
The national government, through the National Hosting Authority (NHA), will be supporting HCC with funds and equipment to make sure our cleaning and beautification activities happen and are sustained throughout this year and beyond.
HCC Ward Councilors will be working with respective Ward Committees to drive clean up and beautification in each Ward. I appeal to residents of each Ward to cooperate with and support clean up and beautification programs put in place by your Ward Committee.
Honiara City Council will continue to work hand in hand with the National Government and its partners and the Honiara residents to ensure we prepare Honiara City safe and clean so that all the athletes from other Pacific Island Nations do enjoy their time here in the city during the games.
With this brief remark, thank you everyone for taking your time today to come here to witness the inaugural ceremony that marks one of the historical events ever hosted in our country.
I want you all to join with me in declaring Honiara My City, Your City and Our City. Together we can make My Honiara clean, safe and healthy.
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you very much.