Tuberculosis / Leprosy Programme


All services are free, but you must bring a Medical Record Book with you, or can buy one for $15.00.

Services provided (Tuberculosis) at all General Clinics

  • Registration of patient in the chronic cough book when a patient presents with cough within three weeks or more.
  • Collect 3 bottles of sputum (spit) respectively for two days for TB investigation than specimen can be sent to the medical laboratory. This procedure can be done at the general health clinics during outpatient times.
  • Contact tracing to those who had family history of TB
  • Admission of positive sputum patient at the National Referral hospital, TB ward.
  • Continuation phase (Treatment) – Direct observation therapy(DOT) for 4 months in the clinics.


Requirement for TB (Tuberculosis) investigation

  • Chronic cough – 3 weeks or more
  • Has family history of TB
  • Has signs and symptoms such as
    • Night sweating
    • Lose weight
    • Spit up blood
    • Chest pain
    • Loose of appetite (Don’t want to eat)
    • Joint Pain

Services provided (Leprosy) at all General Clinics

  • Patient who has abnormal white patches and experience numbness on the skin can undergo screening for leprosy in all HCC general clinics during outpatient times

Tuberculosis/Leprosy Daily Program

To access any TB or Leprosy services, simply come to any one of the General Clinics (click here) during the Out Patient Department times (OPD).

For more information contact TB/Leprosy program officer at 22160.

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