The Honiara City Council’s daily operations and services are organised into nine Divisions.
These Divisions are lead by the City Clerk, who acts as Executive Officer for the Council, overseeing the daily operations and decisions of the City Council.
The Full Council is made up of the elected Councillors from Honiara’s 12 wards, Appointed Councillors, Honiara Members of Parliament from East, Central and West Constituencies.
The Lord Mayor is an Elected Councillor who is elected by majority vote by the Elected Councillors, Appointed Councillors and Ex-Officio Councillors.

The Council Divisions
The nine Divisions of the Council all have specific functions, often collaborating with each other to provide regular services to Honiara.
Finance: Manages, regulates and controls all Council income and expenditure, to ensure proper use of Council funds and budget.
Law Enforcement: For the enforcement of the Honiara City Council ordinances within the Honiara Town Boundary, through the Law Enforcement Officers and Honiara Courts.
Physical Planning Division: Primarily for the regulation of building and construction in Honiara. This includes construction of new buildings, renovations, tree cutting, demolition, subdivisions, retaining walls and excavations in Honiara, and conducting inspections on building safety.
Administration: The central division of the Council, linking together communication and coordination of Council operations, with a focus on supporting all decision making and the Office of the City Clerk.
Works Division: Focusing on a range of activities, including waste collection, dumpsite maintenance, maintenance of all Council buildings, and maintenance of Council equipment and vehicle fleet.
Market Division: Manages the Honiara Central Market and Kukum Market, focusing on cleaning the market, regulating sale of products and revenue collection for the Council.
Education Division: Operating as the Honiara Education Authority, this Division is responsible for managing and running of Honiara early childhood, primary, secondary school education and TVET. This includes maintaining quality of education, management of schools and supporting the staff body for all schools.
Youth, Sports & Women’s Affairs Division: Manages a range of services, including the sporting activities and venues provided by the Council, the Multi-Purpose Gym, youth empowerment programmes and support for youth groups, and women’s empowerment programmes and training.
Health and Medical Services Division – Is made up of four sub-divisions:
- Nursing Division: Supports, manages and maintains all Honiara Clinics, this includes quality control of the service delivery, supporting the staff and running health programmes in response to outbreaks or health risks.
- Health Promotion: Works within a larger national strategy from the Ministry of Health and Medical Services. This Division focuses on a range of activities to improve the health and well being of Honiara residents, through education campaigns and community mobilisation.
- Vector Borne Disease Control: Operates part of a larger national programme of the Ministry of Health and Medical Services, focusing on reducing and preventing the rates of vector borne diseases (malaria and dengue) in Honiara. This includes house spraying, distribution of free bed nets, surveillance of malaria/dengue rates and school visits.
- Environmental Health: Enforces a range of food safety and environmental health ordinances and laws in Honiara for a healthy city. This includes monitoring food safety, water quality, addressing pollution/nuisance complaints, supporting waste collection, promoting waste reduction strategies and inspecting buildings and businesses to ensure safety for Honiara residents and visitors